FY23 Annual Plan

FY23 Annual Plan PDF

Governance Type:  Meet and confer

Collaborative Functional Type:  Partner Engagement

Collaborative Description and Activities to Strengthen Effectiveness: 
The Wayne County Family Connection Collaborative has been a part of Wayne County for many years. Our Collaborative is focused on sustaining close relationships with our partners who are our schools, civic organizations, law enforcement, government agencies and citizens of our community.   While the COVID Pandemic continues to interrupt some of our Programs and Activities in our FY 22 Plan, our Collaborative has been successful in both establishing and coordinating partnerships and network relationships.  This process has provided an environment for collaborating organizations which allows us to share the successes, resources and responsibilities of the needs of the community.  Our FY 23 Plan continues to reflect the importance of educating our children and locally established needs and therefore, has not changed dramatically.  Our Collaborative is committed to successfully developing solutions for supporting Increased Family Stability by; reducing the number of Homeless Families, improving Mental Health awareness, support and treatment, and seeking to reduce the impact of Opioid/Substance Use disorders by providing Education/Awareness and Support to Middle Grades and High School Students. In order to strengthen the effectiveness of our Collaborative we will develop Strategy Teams for each of the Strategies indicated above.  This process will generate plans and actions necessary to move our Strategies forward.  This linkage will increase our understanding of the effects of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and even Homelessness for individuals in need.  Our FY 23 Plan continues to reflect those locally established needs and therefore, has not changed dramatically.  Our FY 23 Plan will continue to focus on Partner engagement. 

Desired Outcome: Improved School Success

Child and Family Indicators:

IndicatorResult AreaData SourceSpecify if Other
3rd grade students achieving Proficient Learner or above on Milestones ELA assessment [CS8b]Children Succeeding in SchoolKIDS Count Website 
5th grade students achieving Proficient Learner or above on Milestones Math assessment [CS11b]Children Succeeding in SchoolKIDS Count Website 


Activity TypeActivity NameDescriptionTarget Group
Systems ChangeWayne READSIncrease awareness in the community of the importance and barriers to early literacy through imbedding the four pillars of the Get Georgia Reading Program into the Wayne READS (Reading Empowers Achievement and Discovery in all Students) Program.Wayne County School Students Pre-K through 12th Grade
Systems ChangeStudent Attendance and School Climate CommitteeFamily Connection Executive Director will serve on the Committee to ensure that policies and procedure are in place to reduce the number of unexcused absences from school.Family Connection Executive Director will serve on the Committee to ensure that policies and procedure are in place to reduce the absenteeism.
Systems ChangeEducation Strategy TeamDevelop an Education Strategy Team made up of Collaborative Board Members and SchoolCommunity Partners
Collaborative DevelopmentCollaborative DevelopmentImprove the participation of the Collaborative Partner Engagement increasing to Extensive or Moderate Participation.Partners Not Participating in the Partner Engagement Matrix
Results AccountabilityData CollectionData will be obtained from the BOE’s Data Supervisor, the Director Curriculum and Instruction for ELA Assessment Scores and the Check and Connect Program to monitor the Student’s Progress in ELA and Math Skills.The Collaborative and Citizens of Wayne County
Results AccountabilityI-ReadyStudent’s progress for ELA and Math will be assessed through the I Ready ProgramCollaborative Partners
Results AccountabilityCommon AssessmentCommon Assessment will be used to monitor Student’s progress in all subjects across all Grade Bands.Collaborative Partners

Programs & Services:

Program/Service NameDescriptionTarget GroupLead Implementing PartnerCollaborative Responsibility
Sunset Point Tutoring ProgramMonthly tutoring for children K through 5th Grade in the Sunset Pointe Apartments3rd and 5th Grade StudentsSunset Pointe Housing CommunityThe Collaborative will recommend a Tutor to Sunset Pointe Management
Elementary School Age ChildrenChildren Reading Event to include reading, story time, educational games, and breakfast and lunch provided by the Summer Feeding Program20 Children in the community that are Elementary School Age (Pre -K through Grade 5)The CollaborativeConduct a summer reading program to include reading stories, educational games and breakfast and lunch.
Summer Enrichment ProgramStudents of all ages to enroll in areas of cooking, horticulture,Students Pre-K through 12th GradeBoard of EducationSupport and Recruit Volunteers to Assist with Programs
Literacy FairWayne READS will host a Literacy Fair for the community and give will give each child in attendance a free book.100 + Students Pre-K through 12th GradeBoard of EducationThe Collaborative will recruit volunteers and assist in hosting the
Children’s Learning LibraryDisplay of Books will be set-up at the Family Connection Office for children to borrow trade or take to read.20 Children in the Pine View Housing Area.The CollaborativeContinue to stock and maintain Lending Library throughout the year.

To Document and Monitor Progress:

What is being measured?What is the data source?Who will be responsible?How often will the data be collected?How will you communicate these results?
I-Ready ProgramStudent’s I Ready Assessments results for both ELA and MathWayne County Board of Education3 Quarters during School YearThe Wayne County Board of Education will communicate the results to the Collaborative. 
Results of the District Improvement Plan GoalsDistrict Improvement Plan Goal to increase percentage of Students scoring Proficient in ELA Milestones by 5 percentage points.Wayne County Board of EducationAnnuallyThe Wayne County Board of Education will communicate the results to the Collaborative.
Collaborative AttendanceBoard Minutes, Attendance Records, Kids Count, Collaborative Sign In Sheets/Meeting Surveys, Local Data, Self- Assessments, and the Partner Engagement Matrix.The Collaborative QuarterlyThe Collaborative will use the noted Data Sources as a means of evaluating the Collaborative overall successes, weaknesses, and necessary improvements.  The processes and progress will be documented during the monthly collaborative meetings and reflected in the minutes.  
Check and Connect Partners within the CollaborativeNumber of Check and Connect Partners Mentoring Program within the CollaborativeWayne County Board of EducationQuarterlyThe Wayne County Board of Education Check and Connect Manager will provide the number of Collaborative Mentors engaged in the program, and review the progress data quarterly.
Student Attendance and School ClimateThe Committee will review non-identifying data from student health and school environment surveys and attendance records.  Wayne County Board of Education Committee ChairSemi- AnnuallyThe recommendations, policy changes, and proposed interventions, once approved by the Committee, will be made available to Board of Education for approval and distribution to students and parents/guardians.  
No. of Books in the Lending LibraryNumber of Books be taken from the Lending LibraryThe Collaborative QuarterlyThe Collaborative will maintain the Lending Library Quarterly, calculate the number of books being given out and communicate the results to the Collaborative.  
Education Strategy Team
Strategy Teams Progress and Actions to Improve Students ELA and Math Scores
CollaborativeQuarterlyThe Collaborative Education Strategy Teams will report results from I-Ready, Common Assessments, and District Improvement Plan to the Collaborative member with recommendations for programs and actions to improved or maintain the Student’s progress.
Literacy FairNumber of Books and Students Attending the Literacy Fair EventsWayne County Board of EducationDate of the EventData will be communicated to the Collaborative immediately following each event.   

Desired Outcome: Increased Family Stability

Strategy:  The Collaborative will partner with local agencies to increase Family Stability by increasing access to resources for Homeless Families, increasing Mental Health awareness and support and Educating the Community and Students on the Substance Abuse.

Child and Family Indicators:

IndicatorResult AreaData SourceSpecify if Other
Other [LD10] No. of Homeless People in CommunityStable, Self-Sufficient and Productive FamiliesPoint in Time Count/Board of Education 
Other [LD10] No. Mental Health ProvidersStable, Self-Sufficient and Productive FamiliesLE Agencies/Local Food Banks/supporting agencies 
Other [LD10] No. of Suicides in Adults and Children Substance Abuse CasesStable, Self-Sufficient and Productive FamiliesLE Agencies/Local Food Banks/supporting agencies 


Activity TypeActivity NameDescriptionTarget Group
Systems ChangeEstablish a Homeless NetworkThe Network will provide information on resources, food, clothing, physical and mental health, and shelter to Homeless PersonsCommunity Partners
Systems ChangeEvidence Based EducationPartner with Wayne Recovery Coalition to promote interagency, community-wide collaboration, to implement programs, reduce morbidity and mortality.The Wayne County Community and Strategy Team
Systems ChangeSTOPIT Anonymous Reporting System ApplicationSTOPit Anonymous Reporting System to report safety, misconduct, or compliance concerns to help others or help themselves, via their cell phone.The Wayne County Community
Systems ChangeStability Strategy TeamsThe Teams will consist of Members of Collaborative/Community, review the needs of the Homeless and Substance Abuse, and make recommendations to improve capabilities.The Wayne County Community and Strategy Team
CommunicationsSupport and Services for the HomelessProvide information for the Community in the areas of education, awareness and support for Substance Abuse.The Wayne County Community
CommunicationsExpand Resources DirectoryUpdate, maintain and publish Annual Resource DirectoryThe Wayne County Community
CommunicationsMinisterial SurveyThe Ministerial Survey results will provide the capability for linking all of the available resources in the county into a single database.The Wayne County Community
CommunicationsMental Health First Aid TrainingProvide Information on Mental Health First Aid Training/promotional/educational updates to the community on venues/materials regarding Mental Health.Wayne County Community
CommunicationsBeThe1To CampaignContinue to promote a community wide Process to inform/share with the citizens of Wayne County the 5 Steps of the BeThe1To Campaign.Wayne County Community
CommunicationsSocial Media and Live EventsProvide information for the Community in the areas of education, awareness and support for Substance Abuse.The Wayne County Community, Students Grades 6th through 12th

Programs & Services:

Program/Service NameDescriptionTarget GroupLead Implementing PartnerCollaborative Responsibility
Mental Health SupportThe Mental Health Strategy Team will continue to ensure that the Wayne County Community is made aware of available providers and professional care givers to provide assistance to individuals with Mental Health needs.Wayne County CommunityThe CollaborativeDevelop Partnerships with the hospital, law enforcement, Probate Court, Drug Court Clients and the Wayne County Substance Abuse Coalition.
Services for Homeless PopulationPartner with local agencies to ensure that the needs of identified Homeless are met in a timely manner.Homeless Population of Wayne CountyHomeless Shelters within and surrounding Wayne County.Develop Partnership with agencies that can provide transitional housing and resources for individuals that are homeless.
STOPIT Application System Administrator FunctionsSTOPIT Anonymous Reporting System Administrator maintains the systems, provides access for new providers to receive the incident reports, and notifies providers of system changes and down times.Wayne County CommunityWayne County Family Connection STOPIT App AdministratorEnsure that the Administrative Functions are maintained and up to date within the application.
Substance Abuse Prevention programs for youthDeliver evidence-based drug prevention and awareness programs to youth at churches and youth-serving agenciesWayne County Youth and School Students age 11 through 18.Wayne County Recovery CoalitionCollaborative Members serving on Education Committee of Recovery Coalition
Speaker’s BureauEstablish a Volunteer Speaker’s Bureau made up of local agencies, recovering addicts, local leaders and Medical Professionals to train, educate and promote community awareness and support for Substance AbuseWayne County Community, local civic group members, and Ministerial Youth Directors.Wayne County Recovery CoalitionCollaborative Members serving on Recovery Education Strategy executing with Evidence Based Programs
Substance Abuse Awareness and Support ProjectsMedia Campaigns for Public Service Announcements, Execution of a Teen Maze, BLOGS and U Tube Programs to Educate Students and Citizens of Wayne County on Substance Abuse.Wayne County Community, local civic group members, and Ministerial Youth Directors.Wayne County Recovery CoalitionCollaborative Members will serve on of the Recovery Coalition
Drug Take Back ProgramDrug Take Back Programs will be used to receive unused/un wanted prescriptions
Wayne County CitizensSafe Kids ProgramCollaborative Members will serve as Volunteers/Partners in the Take Back Drug Events

To Document and Monitor Progress:

What is being measured?What is the data source?Who will be responsible?How often will the data be collected?How will you communicate these results?
Number of Persons Identified as Homeless and/or placed in SheltersLocal Point In Time Count and Homeless Shelters AvailableHomeless NetworkQuarterlyThe Collaborative will share the information with the community via local news media and community venues.
Number of Request for Help/AssistanceNumber of  Requests received for Help/ Assistance and Emails/Phone CallsWayne County Family ConnectionMonthlyThe Collaborative will report the information within 30 days of receipt from local agencies/ law enforcement to the Community, and evaluate the amount of support and resources needed for the Homeless Community.
Number and specific types of resources available in the CommunityMinisterial Survey ResultsWayne County Family Connection CollaborativeAnnuallyThe Collaborative will provide the results of the Survey with service providers and Partners.
Number of Youth and Adult Suicides Local Law Enforcement AgenciesThe CollaborativeAs ReceivedThe Wayne County Collaborative will use noted Data Source as a means of evaluating the overall successes, weaknesses and areas of improvements. The data and will be documented and reflected in the minutes.
Number of Agencies and/or Activities developed for school age childrenMental Health Providers, Professionals, and School Counselors The CollaborativeQuarterlyThe Wayne County Collaborative will use the noted Data Source as a means of evaluating the overall successes, weaknesses and areas of improvements, and will be documented and reflected in the minutes.
Number of safety/misconduct/safety compliance concerns reported in the Community.STOPIT Application The CollaborativeMonthlyThe Collaborative will report the information to the hospital, law enforcement, Probate Court, Drug Court Clients and the Wayne County Substance Abuse Coalition monthly. 
Number of STOPIT Anonymous  Incidents reported.The Number and type of  incidents reportedWayne County Family Connection STOPIT App AdministratorQuarterlyThe Application Administrator will contact each agency POC to ensure that they are working on the need/request.
Number of Events/ Participants/Social Media HitsMedia Campaigns, Public Service Announcements, Teen Maze, BLOGS and U Tube ProgramsThe Collaborative QuarterlyThe Collaborative will use Data Source as a means of evaluating the overall successes, and areas of improvements.  The information will be communicated through the newspaper, social media and the Family Connection Web Page.
Number of Properly Disposed Prescriptions/ Medications EventsAmount of unused/unwanted Prescriptions
/medication disposed received for disposal
Wayne County Recovery CoalitionQuarterlyThe Collaborative will use Data Source as a means of evaluating the overall successes, and areas of improvements.  The information will be communicated through the newspaper, social media and the Family Connection Web Page.
Number of Events and Programs to the Public on the use of NaloxoneWayne County Recovery CoalitionWayne County Recovery CoalitionQuarterlyThe Collaborative will use Data Source as a means of evaluating the overall successes, and areas of improvements.  The information will be communicated  through the newspaper, social media and the Family Connection Web Page.