Resource Directory Update Form Agency Category (check all that apply) Age 0-5Age 6-12Age 13-17Age 18-34Age 35-50Age 50+Alcohol/Drugs/Substance AbuseChildcareChildren and Youth ServicesClothingCounseling and Therapy ServicesDisabilitiesDomestice ViolenceEducation/TrainingFamily ServicesFoodGeneralHome Health and Nurse ServicesHomelessHousing and ShelterID and LicenseJob AssistanceLegal AssitanceMedical ServicesMental HealthMulti-CulturePregnancy SupportRecreationSenior CitizensTeen and Young Adult ResourcesTransportation ServicesUnited Ways AgenciesUtilitiesVeteran ServicesVolunteer Opportunity Agency Name (required) Agency Website URL Agency Phone Number Agency Fax Agency Contact Email Agency Address Service Hours Service Description Counties You Serve (required) Your Name (required) Your Email (required)