Administration Email 912-427-5900 PO Box 270, Jesup, GA 31598
Airport Email 912-427-5949 535 Airport Road, Jesup, GA 31546
Ambulance Email 912-427-5999 201 Hinson Mosley Rd, Jesup, GA 31545
Clerk of the Court Email 912-427-5930 PO Box 920, Jesup, GA 31598
Commissioners Email 912-427-5900 PO Box 270, Jesup, GA 31598
Coroner Email 912-427-5994 PO Box 270, Jesup, GA 31598
E-911 Email 912-427-5992 264 E. Walnut St. Jesup, GA 31598
Emergency Management Email 912-427-5979 341 E. Walnut St. Jesup, GA 31598
Maintenance Email 912-427-5900 PO Box 270, Jesup, GA 31598
Magistrate Court Email 912-427-5960 PO Box 27, Jesup, GA 31598
Recreation Department Email 912-427-5915 400 Hinson Moseley Rd. Jesup, GA 31545
Probate Court Email 912-427-5940 359 East Walnut Street Jesup, GA 31545
Registrar Email 912-427-5951 PO Box 1098, Jesup, GA 31598
Road Department Email 912-427-5900 PO Box 270, Jesup, GA 31598
Sheriff’s Department Email 912-427-5970 1355 W. Orange St. Jesup, GA 31545
Tax Assessor Email 912-427-5920 341 E. Walnut St. Jesup, GA 31545
Tax CommissionerEmail 912-427-5910 341 E. Walnut St. Jesup, GA 31545