While Christmas is known as “the most wonderful time of the year”, it can also be a catalyst for stress, pressure, and conflict for many people. Some are feeling overwhelmed by the expectations, COVID 19, family issues, etc. and become depressed during the holidays. A lack of time, money, and the pressure of gift giving can often contribute to stress. I’m sure we all can relate in some form or fashion. Ultimately, it can take quite a toll on our mental health trying to keep the merry and joyous season all straight in our head. We’d like to share some advice that may help you stop stress and keep the season jolly!

First, as the season starts approaching, don’t let it be something you are already dreading.
Think positively…for example, say to yourself ‘This year is going to be different. I’m going to give with my heart and not let my circumstances control my emotions.’ By learning to recognize your holiday triggers, you can combat them before they lead to a meltdown.
Next, don’t let your mental health be overlooked during the holidays.
Many peoples’ feelings and emotions are amplified by the festivities of the Christmas season and new year. Don’t let this prevent you from reaching out if you need help with the problems you are experiencing. There are people that care about you and will take time to make sure you are in a good place.
Also, Christmas is a time for re-connection with loved ones, whether that’s through Christmas cards, phone calls, Skype or family Facetimes. This Christmas, instead of simply exchanging small talk with family and friends, don’t be afraid to ask how they are really doing. Let the people close to you know that they can talk to you if they are ever feeling depressed or lonely, and vice versa. We understand that this year has been extremely difficult for some.
Lastly, we want our Wayne County community to support one another.
During this time, check in with a support group, a therapist, a faith community, or friends who understand. Let your loved ones know that however you can support them, you will! It may be something as simple as picking up a few gifts for a neighbor or meeting up with a friend for a walk.
We know that mental illness, emotional struggles, and other concerns can hinder someone from enjoying this holiday season. We have professional help available through our Mental Health Task Force team. If you or someone you know needs to speak to someone today – give our Mental Health Task Force a call. Weekdays 9am – 5pm: 912-530-8889 or After Hours: 912-256-2150.
We encourage you to share this article with your friends and family. If there is someone in your circle that could use help, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can be part of making a difference in our Wayne County community. Wishing you a joyous holiday season along with a little planning and positive thinking!