As we come to the end of discussing the 5 Steps in the #BeThe1To campaign, we can only hope that our articles have made an impact in our community. Last week, we talked about the importance of helping people connect. Connecting with resources in their community ensures they get the help they need. For this last week, we will consider the ways one can follow up. Following up with a person can provide a further feeling of being connected.

The follow up step is similar to the principle of being there because all the steps are interconnected. It’s challenging to be there for someone especially during a physically distanced time like we are currently in. After forming a good relationship with them, establishing a regular schedule to check in on them would keep you connected while also keeping them safe.
The first piece of advice is to purposefully set aside a time and date that you will follow up. This can provide them something to look forward to and send a message that you care. You could also send a Thank You postcard in part of the #BeThe1To Say Thank You campaign. Go to and click on the Stories tab. You will find the ‘#BeThe1To Say Thanks’ highlighted in blue to follow up with someone. Thank them for their vulnerability in speaking with you about their current challenges.
Distractions can cause disinterest.
The next piece of advice would be to make sure you clear your calendar of all distraction for that time – maybe even put your phone away. If the follow up happens to be over the phone or video, just make sure that you are present so you can focus on your conversation with the person instead of other things that will cause them to think you don’t have their best intentions.

Never under estimate the value of showing up and checking in.
We also like to remind you of the great resource that we would highly recommend to Wayne County. It is our online resource directory located on our website. Go to Click on Resource Directory to find a group, organization, or a number to call today of your interest. Get involved to have the opportunity to follow up with someone in the future and make a difference in their life!
Become a part of Wayne County Family Connection
Additionally, the Wayne County Family Connection Collaborative would like to invite anyone in our community to be a part of our group. For more information, contact Lana Wright at 912-256-2150. Our meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month. The upcoming meeting will be next week at 9:30am. Our website is and our email is if you have questions.
If you or someone you know has a mental illness, is struggling emotionally, or has concerns about their mental health, call the number below to speak with a professional in Wayne County.
Mental Health Task Force # for Wayne County:
Business Hours 9am-5pm: 912-530-8889
After Hours: 912-256-2150
As always, if you see warning signs of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or 911.
Check back with us next week for a recap of what the Wayne County schools have done in effort of September being #SuicidePrevention Month!