Last week, we discussed the importance of being there for someone in need. This week, we are discussing ways to keep them safe while they are going through this hard time in their life. So, you’ve asked them questions and you let them know you are there for them. Now it’s important to find out a few things to establish immediate safety if needed. Questions such as, “Have they already done something that could be harmful?” or “Do they know of something that might happen?” would be great to know so that you can take precautionary measures.
Their answers to your questions will help you.
Next, the answers to questions you may have asked can tell you the severity of the situation. For example, you found out that the person has immediate access to a firearm. This is very serious and should be treated like so. Extra steps (like calling the authorities) would be necessary. Another example would be if someone has been depressed and talking about how they want to get out and volunteer to feel less lonely. You could offer to drive them to a place in town where they can use their skills to help others.
Always be sure to check in on them and make sure you don’t notice anything out of the ordinary.
One effective solution that Wayne County high schools students have been using is the StopIt app. It is a simple, fast, and most importantly anonymous way to report problems. You can use the mobile app, web or hotline number. This communication would be between a person and an administrator in real-time. If needed, they could turn it over to emergency services.

There are also ways to personally keep yourself safe as well as others. An app that has been highly recommended is the Circle of 6 app. You pick six friends or family members to be in your circle. They can be notified if you’d like them to text or call you at a certain time. It even has a danger button that be activated to reach hotline numbers in situations such as domestic abuse.
Follow these guidelines to help keep your community safe:
- Don’t leave a person alone in a lethal situation
- Check for signs of drug or alcohol overdose
- If it’s an emergency, call 911 and notify a family member or friend
- Get help from a trained professional
- Make sure they have numbers to call/hotlines if they have talked or behaved in a manner that makes you believe they may put themselves in danger
Your intervention may help the person see that other options are available to stay safe and get help. Follow us on social media to keep up with events, volunteer opportunities, meetings, and other news at wcfamilyconnect on Instagram and Family Connection – Wayne County, GA on Facebook!
Become a part of Family Connection
The Wayne County Family Connection Collaborative would also like to invite anyone in our community to be a part of our group. For more information, contact Lana Wright at 912-256-2150. Our meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month. Browse the rest of our website to learn more & connect with us if you have any questions.
If you or someone you know is struggling today, call the Mental Health Task Force # for Wayne County to speak with a professional:
Business Hours 9am-5pm: 912-530-8889
After Hours: 912-256-2150
If you see warning signs of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or 911.
Also, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on collaborative meetings and other events.
In addition, please like and share. We’d love for these articles to reach everyone in the Wayne County Community!