LIFE, Inc is pleased to be offering a four session skill building and transition camp to eligible Juniors and Seniors from Wayne County High School during April vacation. To participate, students must currently be in either 11th or 12th Grade at WCHS and have a disability. Sessions will run Mon 4/18, Tue 4/19, Wed 4/20 and Friday 4/22 from 9:30 – 12:03 pm. The Monday through Wednesday sessions will be held at our Jesup office, 990 N Macon St (in the rear of the Goodwill Building). Our Friday location will be held at an alternate location (to be determined). Topics of our lessons/discussions will include Job Search Skills, Interviewing & Dressing for Success, Resume Writing, Introduction to Banking and Budgeting, and What to Expect After Graduation. We will be featuring speakers and presenters from various businesses and organizations within the community. Our Friday session will include lunch and some fun activities to celebrate our week of enrichment.
To properly plan, we need to know how many students would be interested in participating. Attendance is limited to 12 participants and seats will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. There is no cost to attend the camp. Participants will be required to provide their own transportation If you know of a student that would like to attend, or you would like additional information, please contact Andrea Daigle, Independent Living Coordinator at LIFE, Inc either by email at: adaigle@lifecil.com or phone at (912) 570-5431. Also, we will be seeking in kind donations of food and refreshments to serve at our final session. We look forward to a fun week with the students and appreciate the community’s support and enthusiasm as we continue our mission to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities in Wayne County.